Red Piranha Australian Made BannerSustainability


Red Piranha relocated its manufacturing to Australia in 2020 and is proudly a licenced Australian Made and Owned business, supporting the Australian economy and furthering Australian innovation around the world.

Manufacturing locally drastically reduce environmental impacts and carbon emissions due to shipping, reduces reliance on other countries, secures and streamlines supply chains, creates jobs and supports fellow businesses and local industry.

Red Piranha’s Product and Marketing Teams continuously work to reduce packaging used in our products with a focus on shipping requirements. Red Piranha is further investigating alternative packaging solutions for our appliances to produce less waste.

Items required for Red Piranha’s daily business operations such as printing, stationery and promotional merchandise are all sourced locally, supporting the economies in which Red Piranha operates. Red Piranha further enforces a primary focus on supporting and purchasing Australian Made and owned products.

As a leader within the technology space, Red Piranha only prints documents when necessary, preferring to opt for electronic signatures and electronic document control.


When deciding on an office location, Red Piranha paid particular attention to the specifications of the buildings and facilities. Amongst other specifications, energy efficiency was a critical factor in its decision-making process. Red Piranha’s Perth office, located in Level 2, Ingres House, 231 Adelaide Terrace, boasts a 6-star NABERS rating, the highest in the Perth CBD.

Rather than purchasing or leasing a dedicated floor, both Red Piranha’s Perth and Sydney offices operate within dedicated and biometrically secured shared co-working environments, operated by Servcorp. Servcorp acknowledges the seriousness of climate change and realises there is a growing need for businesses to become sustainable to ensure the protection of the environment from further damage.

Servcorp’s ‘Green Offices Project’, which operates on shared floors, encourages proactive initiatives to reduce environmental impact. These initiatives reduce not only the carbon footprint but also offset emissions, educate teams and clients, and bring additional benefits to recycling and waste reduction.

Red Piranha’s staff are also actively encouraged to, where possible, travel to and from work using public transport with both Australian locations offering ‘end of trip’ facilities.

Social Sustainability

Actively involved within the cyber community, Red Piranha CEO Adam Bennett regularly volunteers his time to speak at workshops, panel discussions and via social media channels to educate the general public on the importance of cybersecurity and the dangers of not being protected.

As an organisation, Red Piranha offers support to a range of not-for-profits including heavily subsidised services. Red Piranha values the importance of data and understands that many of these agencies may not have the funds or resources to ensure adequate security to protect their networks and client privacy.

Red Piranha is proud to support and recognise the skills, expertise and experience of our veterans by joining Australia’s Prime Minister’s Veterans’ Employment Program in relation to supporting the employment outcomes for our returning service individuals.

From a sponsorship perspective, Red Piranha regularly supports various organisations and industry events both locally and interstate, with a focus on those concentrating on youth development and community programs.

Red Piranha is also incredibly proud that over 30% of its workforce is female. A ‘good’ result in the information security field; however, Red Piranha continuously strives to do better by proactively sponsoring various ‘Women in Tech’ events.

Red Piranha’s internship program allows graduates to gain hands-on experience to complement and enhance their tertiary studies and support students to help build the Australian information security ecosystems and capabilities. In addition to the CEO’s contributions, several of Red Piranha’s staff are actively involved within the community in various volunteer roles; something Red Piranha supports wherever possible.


In addition to Red Piranha’s internship programs, Red Piranha has also joined forces with Edith Cowan University, Curtin University and North Metropolitan TAFE. These partnerships will see Red Piranha implement multiple research programs over the coming years.

The first program within the Curtin University partnership involves Red Piranha’s ‘Extreme Firewall Tuning Program’, with Red Piranha currently holding the world record in firewall speeds. Over the coming months, Red Piranha plans to exceed this record with the help of Curtin University’s students and other technology partners. One of these partners is Napatech, a public company based in Denmark that develops and manufactures high-speed network accelerators designed explicitly for real-time networks.

Alongside Edith Cowan University, North Metropolitan TAFE, Red Piranha is proud to be part of the Cyber Alliance, helping to forge ahead and enhance Western Australia’s contribution to the cybersecurity landscape.

In addition, Red Piranha’s Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with North Metropolitan TAFE consist of two elements; one aimed at their educational frameworks and the other addressing their operational needs. The North Metropolitan TAFE team has recently completed Red Piranha’s Crystal Eye Certified Engineer (CECE) Course and is now evaluating Red Piranha’s devices and services. North Metropolitan TAFE plans to include this knowledge in their Certificate IV and Advanced Diploma syllabuses, commencing Semester 2, 2020.

Under the guidance of Red Piranha, North Metropolitan TAFE is building their own Security Operations Centre (SOC) at their Joondalup campus with plans to us our Crystal Eye devices as their security solution.

Red Piranha’s latest work with “Improvement of Hardware Firewall’s Data Rates by Optimising Suricata Performances” written in conjunction with FON University in Macedonia, was also recently peer-reviewed and published by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. This publication further solidified Red Piranha as an active research and development firm contributing to the Information and Cyber Security education spaces.


Red Piranha proudly boasts a highly diverse, multicultural workforce, with teams located in Australia, United Kingdom, Nepal, Macedonia, India, Indonesia, Croatia, and Belarus.

Irrespective of location, Red Piranha’s various teams work collaboratively and supportively with all staff offered the same benefits as their Australian-based counterparts.

Offered to all Red Piranha staff is professional development programs and role-specific training, as well as options to upskill to enhance their careers further. All Red Piranha staff also undergo regular training to ensure, as an organisation, Red Piranha remains compliant in line with Australian and International Standards such as ISO/IEC 27001:2022.

Red Piranha’s recruitment process does not require candidates to specify race nor ethnicity as their approach to recruiting based on merit, skill and attitude. Red Piranha also fully complies with core labour standards, industry awards, wages, and fair working conditions, operating with an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Policy.