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The Latest Red Piranha News

Happy New Year!

Time sure does fly when exciting things are happening on your end and 2023 was, indeed, an exciting year for us. As we move into the New Year, we are looking ahead to a brighter future and the endless possibilities that it brings. So, let us embrace all that 2024 has in store!

A great opportunity to accelerate your security journey for the year ahead.

Crystal Eye XDR Update

New Year, New Software!

By the time you are reading this, we should be starting to roll out the most up to date Crystal Eye and we will be in touch via email to let you know that 5.0 is ready to go.

Our entire team from developers to QA testing and our internal Beta testing team have been hard at work getting our latest and greatest in your hands including some of the following new features.

  • A visual tool to display rules and zones in Advanced Firewall.
  • Improved DNS filtering allowing the banning of categories, domains or groups (defined in the Hosts and Groups application) allowing simplified management of access to content.
  • Integration of Defender for Endpoint telemetry into Crystal Eye giving visibility into Defender protected endpoints and threats detected on those endpoints.

The upgrade process has been improved upon previous updates so you should be able to get up and running with the latest even faster than before (upgrading from 4.0 to 4.5 took 15 to 30 minutes with around 1 minute of downtime!).

After the initial release of 5.0, we will continue to introduce new applications and update existing applications automatically in our monthly application update program providing access to enhancements and security patches without interruption every first Wednesday of the month.

With the dawn of 5.0 comes the sunset of 4.0. If you haven’t already received the End-of-Life notification for Crystal Eye 4.0, now is the time to make sure that you are running at least version 4.5 to continue to receive application and security updates.

We are not just excited about 5.0 but we are also thrilled to see Crystal Eye Secure Edge becoming available to your cloud operations. This Single Vendor SASE solution is ready to be deployed at your network edge to protect your assets either in the data center or control access to services that support your business operations.

With PoPs (Points of Presence) coming online around the world, a secure gateway to your cloud edge could be coming to a location near you ensuring a fast and secure user experience no matter where you are.

Of course with all these new updates, we have been hard at work developing the support and training material to help you navigate Crystal Eye 5.0 and we will continue to bring more content from Tech Sprint Sessions where we showcase security concepts and how Crystal Eye can be configured for these scenarios to regular Threat Intelligence Briefings designed to keep the MSSP, CISO and End User up to date on the APT activities that we think you should be aware of.

2024 promises to be a very exciting year for Red Piranha.

Service Spotlight: Digital Forensics
& Incident Response (DFIR)


Cybercriminals never take a break. They are always on the prowl, looking for organisations to infiltrate and attack. When an organisation is hacked, the typical response is slow and complex, with contracts and the scope of work to be agreed upon before things can get started for remediation. In many cases, the DFIR process often takes weeks or months before the cybersecurity company can start working out what happened. But with Red Piranha's Crystal Eye CSP has DFIR integrated into the platform, which significantly shortens the response time, reducing the dwell time, so you can catch the attackers when they first get an initial hook onto your system, which further reduces the risk of loss and harm and all of this at a lower TCO with immediate engagement.

It's the perfect combination of people, processes and technology, ready to be rolled as soon as an incident happens. Our village of security experts work relentlessly with your IT team to mitigate the risk, allowing for proper containment of incidents. We study the information and work with your team to understand where the security system failed and improve the handling of the event, supporting the incident response lifecycle. We look at the existing security handling plans and provide recommendations for improvement to help you improve your security posture.

Get the infrastructure that gets you on-demand digital forensics for instant incident response.

Want to learn more about how we can help you? Watch our webinar on DFIR Procedures.

If you are an end client, click here for more information.

For MSPs, click here.

Learn more

Red Piranha Events

Our 2024 events calendar is filling up fast!

Here are the events we have planned for you in January. We look forward to you joining us.

Upcoming Events

Crystal Eye 5.0 Certified Engineer Course

Here’s your opportunity for a close-up view and personal introduction to Crystal Eye 5.0, join our Crystal Eye 5.0 Certified Engineer Training and learn about all the new features and updates from our team of experts.


Secure your spot today

Understanding Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) for Enhanced Security

Explore how the principle of least privilege forms the foundation of the architectural aspiration known as zero trust and learn how Crystal Eye can be used to deploy zero trust protection across Azure and cloud environments.

Join us for this 30-minute knowledge-sprint session, in which we will cover Azure tenancy controls, conditional access, reverse proxy, and policy routing within the context of a Crystal Eye deployment. Our SOC specialists will show how least privilege can be used to strategically protect, but also use policy to create SOC efficacy and increase SOC success.


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Get in touch. If you have any questions, comments or feedback regarding our ongoing programs, products or services, please submit them to support@redpiranha.net or head to our forum at https://forum.redpiranha.net/.

**Terms and conditions apply!
Contact your business development manager to receive a copy of the terms and conditions. Prices are correct as of 13/01/2021, subject to change.