Digital Forensics & Incident Response (DFIR)
Red Piranha’s experienced team of certified security experts deliver comprehensive Security Investigation services to help you plan for and manage a security breach.
A comprehensive incident response plan allows you to quickly identify and contain a breach;
It’s time to get your plan in place and up to date.
Too many organisations don’t have a documented incident response plan;
It’s critical to have a clear plan for when things go wrong.
You need a competent partner to contact when there’s a security breach;
It’s time to get the experts in.
Red Piranha’s Digital Forensics & Incident Response services help answer these key questions following a security incident:
- What happened? (understand the attack vector)
- Who was it? (attribute the attack)
- Where is my data? (did data exfiltration occur?)
- Can I recover my data? (What to do about the ransom demands)
We offer the following Security Investigation services:
Incident Response
Digital Forensics
Incident Response
Most teams struggle to identify incidents accurately because of the sheer volume of traffic and events on the network, which leads to information overload and false positives.
Coordinating an organisation-wide response when a serious incident occurs can also be difficult, with people unsure of what action to take, which can lead to additional issues arising.
Implementing a tried and tested incident response plan means you can respond swiftly and effectively when things go wrong.
Working Together
During the forensic investigation, Red Piranha works hand-in-hand with your IT team to mitigate risk, allowing proper containment of incidents. We study the information and work with your team to understand where the security system failed and to improve the handling of the event by looking at the existing security handling plans and make recommendations for improvement.

Digital Forensics
Digital forensics uses scientific methodologies to collect, analyse and present data relating to digital systems, networks, wireless communications and devices. Data that if needed, is admissible as evidence in a court of law. Forensics deals primarily with the recovery and analysis of latent evidence. It’s critical to ensure a chain of evidence is maintained, and it’s easy to get this process wrong, rendering the evidence inadmissible if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Usage of computers, mobile devices and the internet for everyday tasks is ever-increasing, and these activities see us often unknowingly storing personal and work-related data on these devices throughout the day. These changes have seen a vast increase in cybercrime, civil litigation cases and cybersecurity incidents that exploit data found on these devices.
The demand for digital forensic professionals to analyse these devices, particularly in the event of a data breach, has increased exponentially, due to the sheer number of cases that organisations now face.
Cases relating to corporations being breached like Toll, BlueScope and Landmark White tend to attract media attention due to their size; however, attacks against small and medium businesses such as data breaches, fund transfers and intellectual property theft are increasingly common, costing organisations millions of dollars. Digital forensic investigators must be able to effectively respond, investigate and ultimately answer the difficult questions that arise in these cases.
Forensic Compliance
To ensure compliance requirements are met, organisations must have had a complete forensic examination conducted with a comprehensive report produced and kept on file; this report must also detail that a proper incident response plan has been assembled.
A breach could result in your company’s data being exposed to hackers, potentially crippling operations in the short term and impacting your financial and reputational position in the long term. Failing to conduct a proper investigation and take corrective action could see the company and its directors open to litigation if sensitive information is stolen and exploited.
* Cost of a Data Breach Report, Ponemon Institute, 2023