Our SME clients are always amazed to find out how powerful Crystal Eye is when it comes to protecting their data and making sure vital files are protected. We'd like to share with you a bit about this technology and how it can help ensure one of your enterprise's most important assets, your data, protected against loss.

What is DLP or Data Loss Prevention?

Data Loss Prevention is a system whereby you can tag files in your network and track the movement of the file and prevent the file from leaving your network. DLP protects sensitive files from being stolen and with it, you will be able to create an audit trail that is used to safeguard your data, so you know who has accessed it, moved it, copied or attempted to copy it.

Crystal Eye Unified Threat Management Solutions from Red Piranha helps you protect your customer's data, your sensitive project files, accounting files, trade secrets, databases and other critical company files from the wrong hands copying them by simply clicking a button. Data Loss Prevention is installed by default in Crystal Eye and once it is enabled, it will automatically do the work for you. This reduces the cost of implementation that will usually cost you thousands of dollars.

With Crystal Eye, you can find out if someone attempts to access any information they are not supposed to be accessing and stop corporate espionage, employee sabotage and see if someone who has accessed your network without permission (such as in the case of a breach) has attempted to move your files out of your network boundaries.

Why Use Data Loss Prevention

Enterprises use Data Loss Prevention as an extra layer of protection that extends beyond just setting network permissions. With DLP in place, you are able to know WHO has accessed to WHAT and WHEN. You can then use this knowledge to correct behaviour of employees who may be accessing data that have no need to access. You can also use the logging capability to track what data is accessed by partners, vendors, and others who are given partial access to your network. Without Data Loss Prevention in place, you are blind to what files are copied and moved around on your network.

In addition to this, as an Australian enterprise, you are also required to adhere to compliance requirements such as General Data Protection Regulation and Mandatory Data Breach Notification Law. Red Piranha's Crystal Eye with the help of Data Loss Prevention App can help you get you into compliance right away and save your enterprise up to AUD2.1 Million worth of fines.

We encourage you to think about using Data Loss Prevention as a way to not only protect your data but to know more about how sensitive network files are being accessed, used and copied. Crystal Eye is a great, cost-effective and easy to use solution for Data Loss Prevention.

Want to learn more about Crystal Eye and DLP? Contact us at info@redpiranha.net

Date Published
April 10, 2018