Crystal Eye Essentials Module 2: Crystal Eye XDR Demo
THURSDAY, 09th MAY 2024
11:30 AM AWST
Red Piranha Partner Sales Enablement Webinar
FRIDAY, 17th MAY 2024
11:30 AM AWST

Crystal Eye XDR (Extended Detection & Response) is a new approach that provides end-to-end security
all from a single integrated platform.


Crystal Eye secures your organisation from the cloud to the endpoint
with a range of advanced security technologies.

News and Events

March 18, 2021

Magecart attackers have found a new way to hide their nefarious online activity by saving data they’ve skimmed from credit cards online into a  fake .JPG file on a website they’ve injected with malicious code.
March 12, 2021

The SolarWinds hack has come and is not gone yet. However, on a positive note, it is leaving in its wake several remedial and preventative measures being implemented to avoid such attacks in future. One pertinent issue raised by…
March 11, 2021

Get ready for our Sales Enablement Webinar! We are excited to finally present to you our sales enablement program to drive more revenue and success.