Crystal Eye XDR (Extended Detection & Response) is a new approach that provides end-to-end security
all from a single integrated platform.


Crystal Eye secures your organisation from the cloud to the endpoint
with a range of advanced security technologies.

News and Events

August 20, 2018

TRENDS Bruteforce Authentication - SSH with 61.2% of all occurrences was the top alarm this week.    The United States is on top of the list with 23.7% of the attacks this week. 
August 17, 2018

Researcher revealed 2 critical vulnerabilities in NetComm Wireless Routers. These routers are used in the critical infrastructure in the communication sector.
August 16, 2018

Tibetan human rights NGO was the target of a phishing attack, targeting Windows PC, infecting them with what is known as a “customized malware”.