Crystal Eye XDR (Extended Detection & Response) is a new approach that provides end-to-end security
all from a single integrated platform.


Crystal Eye secures your organisation from the cloud to the endpoint
with a range of advanced security technologies.

News and Events

August 20, 2024

Learn all about RansomHub Ransomware in this easy-to-understand guide. Find out how it works, the risks it poses, and how to protect your business from attacks
August 19, 2024

In this report, we discuss two new threats - Oyster Backdoor and Sidewinder APT. In the past week, our team uncovered new ransomware victims or updates on victims across 20 industries spanning 26 countries. Also, learn all about…
August 19, 2024

To keep up with advanced cyber threats from APT’s using living of the land (LOTL), pivoting and lateral movement techniques within your network, effective threat detection and event logging are key to staying secure. The Australian…